Work-Life Balance Practices and Employee Performance in Public Universities in Kenya
Work-life balance, Employee Performance, Public UniversitiesAbstract
Purpose: The study examines the influence of work-life balance practices on the employee performance of public universities in Kenya. The specific objective is to find out how work-life balance constructs (work-family conflict, flexible work arrangements, stress, burnout, psychosocial support) influence employee performance at public universities.
Methodology: Descriptive survey design was used guided by Spill over theory, and a positivism philosophy. The target population of the study comprised all employees in 30 accredited public universities in Kenya with a total population of 35,502 employees. A sample size of 385 employees was obtained using the statistical formula of Fisher for calculating sample size and respondents were chosen using a stratified random sampling technique.
Results: The study found that there was a significant positive correlation between work-life balance and employee performance with a regression coefficient of (β = .844, p ˂ .000). Work-life balance constructs accounted for 71.1% variation in employee performance. This means that when work-life balance practices are well managed, employee performance is likely to increase.
Conclusion: The study recommends that public universities in Kenya should focus on improving their work life balance practices to improve their employee performance.
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