Work-Life Balance Practices and Employee Performance in Public Universities in Kenya


  • Monica Achieng Agunda Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Susan Were Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Millicent Atieno Mboya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Work-life balance, Employee Performance, Public Universities


Purpose: The study examines the influence of work-life balance practices on the employee performance of public universities in Kenya.  The specific objective is to find out how work-life balance constructs (work-family conflict, flexible work arrangements, stress, burnout, psychosocial support) influence employee performance at public universities. 

Methodology: Descriptive survey design was used guided by Spill over theory, and a positivism philosophy. The target population of the study comprised all employees in 30 accredited public universities in Kenya with a total population of 35,502 employees. A sample size of 385 employees was obtained using the statistical formula of Fisher for calculating sample size and respondents were chosen using a stratified random sampling technique.

Results: The study found that there was a significant positive correlation between work-life balance and employee performance with a regression coefficient of (β = .844, p ˂ .000). Work-life balance constructs accounted for 71.1% variation in employee performance.  This means that when work-life balance practices are well managed, employee performance is likely to increase. 

Conclusion: The study recommends that public universities in Kenya should focus on improving their work life balance practices to improve their employee performance.

Author Biography

Monica Achieng Agunda, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, Leadership and Management


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How to Cite

Agunda, M. A. ., Were, S. ., & Mboya, M. A. (2024). Work-Life Balance Practices and Employee Performance in Public Universities in Kenya. Human Resource and Leadership, 4(3), 19–35. Retrieved from


