Reward Management as A Precursor of Employee Retention in Christian Faith-Based Health Institutions in Kenya: Moderating Role Transformation Leadership
Reward management, Employee retention, Transformational leadershipAbstract
Employee retention is one of the most critical issues facing health institution managers today. In Kenya, Health Sectors have experienced health workers' strikes and high employee turnover. Retaining staff in Christian Faith-Based Health institutions is a dilemma that many health institutions have to grapple with. This motivates the undertaking of the current study to assess reward management as a precursor of employee retention in Christian faith-based health institutions in Kenya. A descriptive research design was used. The target population was 10,124 staff from CHAK Organization. The sample size was 385. The study used primary data collected using a questionnaire. Findings indicated that reward management was a significant precursor for employee retention in Christian Faith-Based health institutions in Kenya (B= 0.754, P = .003). An increase in reward management would impact positively on employee retention. The study concluded that reward management is a significant precursor for employee retention in Christian Faith-Based health institutions. The study also concluded that transformational leadership has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between reward management and employee retention. The study recommends that management in Christian Faith-Based health institutions should seek to measures manage rewards effectively.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nancy Wairimu Mwema, Dr. Susan Were (PhD) , Dr. Magdalene Ndeto (PhD)

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