Administrators’ Place in Leading Deep Cultural Change that Results in Improved Faculty Engagement and Student Learning


  • Joyce Lihemo Kedemi Africa International University


Transformative learning, Transformative leadership, constructivism, critical reflection, social critical theory, humanism


This article looks at how important it is for administrators to spearhead fundamental cultural shifts in higher education to raise student learning and faculty engagement. The analysis, which is based on Mezirow's transformative learning theory, demonstrates how administrators can successfully manage and promote change. Constructivism, Social critical theory, and Humanism are all integrated into the conversation to offer a thorough strategy for educational leadership. Constructivism prioritizes co-constructing knowledge and engaging in active, experiential learning, whereas Social Critical Theory pushes for challenging and changing current power structures to promote fairness and inclusivity. Humanism promotes a culture of empathy and personal development by emphasizing the inherent worth and potential of every person. The paper offers important tactics for administrators through a thorough study of the literature. These tactics include supporting professional growth, encouraging reflective practice, encouraging open communication, and creating a shared vision for continuous improvement. Administrators may establish a climate that fosters sustained educational excellence by putting these techniques into practice. This will not only improve student learning experiences but also engage faculty members.

Author Biography

Joyce Lihemo Kedemi, Africa International University

Department of Education


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How to Cite

Kedemi, J. L. . “Administrators’ Place in Leading Deep Cultural Change That Results in Improved Faculty Engagement and Student Learning”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 4, June 2024, pp. 61-76,




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