Leadership and the Higher Education Context


  • Joyce Lihemo Kedemi Africa International University




Leadership Roles, Higher Education Content, Education Development


In higher education, successful organizational performance, innovation, and institutional culture molding all depend on effective leadership. This review of the literature delves into the complex aspects of leadership in the context of higher education, looking at how it affects professors, faculty, staff, students, and organizational results. The review explores the changing role of leaders in fostering diversity, inclusivity, and academic performance by synthesizing recent findings. It also tackles the particular difficulties faced by academic leaders, like negotiating faculty governance, handling financial restraints, and adjusting to rapidly evolving technology environments. This review intends to offer insightful information to administrators and scholars who are looking to improve leadership effectiveness and meet the changing demands of contemporary universities. It does this by analyzing these opportunities and difficulties.

Author Biography

Joyce Lihemo Kedemi, Africa International University

Department of Education


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Kedemi, J. L. . “Leadership and the Higher Education Context”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 5, June 2024, pp. 1-22, doi:10.70619/vol4iss5pp1-22.


